The Anchor: Annual Mtg Edition

Greetings owners. In the special edition of The Anchor, you will find the answers to many of the questions asked prior to the Annual Meeting. We didn’t receive too many questions this year, but we noticed that some were similar. We thought it would be helpful to share the responses with everyone in an effort to keep everyone abreast of all things Shipyard. If you have questions that were not addressed in this issue, please feel free to reach out via the contact information below anytime. We are here to answer your questions, accept feedback, and make improvements whenever we …

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Sally Warren: Ideas, Leadership, Results

Today, December 15, 2021, is Sally Warren’s last day as General Manager for the Shipyard POA Community. Below are a few comments people are saying about Sally’s service to the  community for more than 25 years. If you would like to read more about Sally and her accomplishments, click here to view the special Fall edition of The Anchor. Kevin McMahon, Shipyard POA President:  “When I first became President of the Shipyard Board, I realized that my job would be easier if I stayed out of the way and let Sally manage, while being available as needed. It worked! She …

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Rediscovering Shipyard (from 2017)

While cleaning through old files, we were able to find an article written by Dave Humphrey on 3/24/2017. It is always a joy finding things from the past. It causes us to reflect on where we came from and to appreciate where we are now. The article below was published in The Anchor and to find more past editions click here. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHIPYARD -A UNIQUE COMMUNITY By Dave Humphrey Ask a Shipyard resident why they chose to live in Shipyard and you would get answers that are strikingly similar. Many cite the temperate climate. Some say it’s the beach. Others …

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Name That Tune 2021

Social Scene: Beach Club Events: Be sure to check out the community events happening this season! Get your teams ready! The POA will host a Name That Tune Nibble & Nip Style on Sunday, June 27th from 5-7:30pm at the Beach Club! • This event will be set-up in a modified Nibble & Nip style. Instead of bringing your nibbles and nips to share with everyone, just plan to bring enough to share among your team. • There will be fun, great food, and prizes. All we need is for you to gather your team, up to 8 people, and …

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