Today, December 15, 2021, is Sally Warren’s last day as General Manager for the Shipyard POA Community. Below are a few comments people are saying about Sally’s service to the community for more than 25 years. If you would like to read more about Sally and her accomplishments, click here to view the special Fall edition of The Anchor.
Kevin McMahon, Shipyard POA President: “When I first became President of the Shipyard Board, I realized that my job would be easier if I stayed out of the way and let Sally manage, while being available as needed. It worked! She will be a tough act to follow.”
Dennis Foley, Board Member and Chair of the General Manager Search Committee: “How to describe the strength of Ms. Sally Warren. I have owned in Shipyard since 1995 and lived here from 1997 to the present. Ms. Warren is quietly known to all of us: NO MUSS, NO FUSS — just get it done and do it right and within budget. In her 26 years as our General Manager, she always found the ability to bring us together and get any job done. Her time in forming the Shipyard POA has been instrumental in the community we now know as home.”
Joe Strivieri, Residential North owner, and Shipyard’s Architectural Review Board Chairman: “She treats everyone fairly and has a great relationship with local government, subcontractors, and residents. She follows the philosophy be nice to people and do to others as you would like to be treated. I have the utmost respect for Sally and her accomplishments. Sally is under-appreciated and will be hard to replace.”
Shipyard Finance Committee Member Gail Quick: “These characteristics made Sally so successful: Her annual report was always positive, logical, thorough but mixed with a sense of humor. If she doesn’t know the solution to an issue or a problem, she doesn’t hesitate to ask others for their input. She has an extremely high standard of professionalism that is admired and respected by residents, the public and all governmental agencies. She does not seek publicity or and form of self-aggrandizement.”