RFID Tags On Sale Now!

Today is the first day of RFID tag sales at the Shipyard Welcome Center!!! A few key things to remember: Bring a completed form (below), photo ID, and the payment to the Welcome Center Each RFID tag costs $45.00 RFID tags are limited to three (3) per property Only vehicles of the property owners are eligible RFID tags are IN ADDITION to the owner decals The tags must be placed on each vehicle by a SPOA staff member YES, this means each vehicle must come to the Welcome Center RFID tag form

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2022 Commercial Decals will expire on January 8th, 2023!   Please stop by the Welcome Center to purchase your new 2023 Decal

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Special Beach Access Update

Special Beach Access Update Courtesy of Your Management Team Thanks for all of your efforts regarding social distancing during these unprecedented times. For the most part, everything went quite well with our soft opening of the beach area. Accordingly, we are making additional changes regarding access and beach area amenities to make the beach experience even more convenient, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. Please make note of the following reminders/changes: The restrooms will continue to be open from 9 am-3 pm daily. They are serviced a minimum of two times daily. You may have noticed that there is hand sanitizer in both …

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