ESPECIALLY THIS SEASON, CAN WE ALL TRY TO BE A LITTLE NICER? Posted by Lynne Cope Hummell | Dec 6, 2022 | Find the article HERE. If we pay attention, we can sometimes find inspiration in the weirdest of places. It happened last week, when I was reminded that I should make more of an effort to be kind to others – not just in this season of good will, but all the time. But first, let me share that as a child, I was taught that being kind is something we simply must do. My mother taught all her children a …
Rediscovering Shipyard (from 2017)
While cleaning through old files, we were able to find an article written by Dave Humphrey on 3/24/2017. It is always a joy finding things from the past. It causes us to reflect on where we came from and to appreciate where we are now. The article below was published in The Anchor and to find more past editions click here. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHIPYARD -A UNIQUE COMMUNITY By Dave Humphrey Ask a Shipyard resident why they chose to live in Shipyard and you would get answers that are strikingly similar. Many cite the temperate climate. Some say it’s the beach. Others …