Have you completed your #9pm routine?! #9PMROUTINE 🕘🔒#ShipyardSafe
Summer Heat Tips
HEAT STRESS * HEAT EXHAUSTION * HEAT STROKE As temperatures rise, so does the stress on your body. Several things can help you battle the heat – acclimation to the heat, consumption of water and good nutrition. Know the 3 types of heat emergencies. HEAT STRESS (heat cramps) When your body temperature rises above normal, you can experience muscle cramps, become weak, disoriented and ill. Signs of heat stress (heat cramps) – tiredness, irritability, inattention, and muscle cramps. These cramps usually occur after heavy sweating and may begin towards the end of a workday. First Aid for heat stress/heat cramps …
Prepare for a hurricane
The best time to prepare for hurricanes is BEFORE hurricane season begins. Avoid having to rush through potentially life-saving preparations by waiting until it’s too late. Get your disaster supplies while the shelves are still stocked, and get that insurance checkup early, as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period. noaa.gov/prepare-before-hurricane-season
RFID Tags On Sale Now!
Today is the first day of RFID tag sales at the Shipyard Welcome Center!!! A few key things to remember: Bring a completed form (below), photo ID, and the payment to the Welcome Center Each RFID tag costs $45.00 RFID tags are limited to three (3) per property Only vehicles of the property owners are eligible RFID tags are IN ADDITION to the owner decals The tags must be placed on each vehicle by a SPOA staff member YES, this means each vehicle must come to the Welcome Center RFID tag form
Hurricane Season Ya’ll
The first step of preparing for hurricanes is to know your risk. Find out today what types of water and wind hazards could happen where you live. Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Impacts from wind and water can be felt hundreds of miles inland, and significant impacts can occur regardless of the storm’s strength. Know if you live in an area prone to flooding, if you live in an evacuation zone, and identify any structural weaknesses in your home. noaa.gov/know-your-risk-water-wind
2023 Hurricane Prep Talk *FREE*
The best time to prepare for hurricanes is BEFORE hurricane season begins. Avoid having to rush through potentially life-saving preparations by waiting until it’s too late. Get your disaster supplies while the shelves are still stocked, and get that insurance checkup early, as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period. noaa.gov/prepare-before-hurricane-season Attend our *FREE hurricane talk on June 16th at 10am located at the Beach Club. All you need to do is RSVP to beachclub@shipyardhhi.com
HHI Public Trolley!
With abundant bicycles and pathways, plus The Breeze’s convenient (and FREE!) seasonal trolley service, you can pretty much get wherever you need to go and save a ton of money! Be sure to include The Breeze in you HHI vacation plans this year! Visit their website for more information : https://www.breezetrolley.com/
2022 Commercial Decals will expire on January 8th, 2023! Please stop by the Welcome Center to purchase your new 2023 Decal
Roundabouts can be confusing for those who do not see them everyday! A few rules to follow in our two-line roundabouts: Drivers in the roundabout have the right of way Always yield to them before entering the roundabout Don’t stop in the middle of a roundabout like with intersections, don’t change lane while in the roundabout