N-Touch Outreach Program

  Within Shipyard we have a program called N-Touch. N-Touch is a program designed to ensure that there is a constant circle of caring here in Shipyard. All you have to do is submit a form (located online or at the Welcome Center), and a member of the POA staff will contact you based on your preferences. So if you are ill, live alone, or are recovering from an illness; we can help make sure that we stay N-Touch with you. You can enroll in the N-Touch program on an ongoing basis or just for a limited time. If you …

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N-Touch Outreach Program

Within Shipyard we have a program called N-Touch. N-Touch is a program designed to ensure that there is a constant circle of caring here in Shipyard. All you have to do is submit a form (located online or at the Welcome Center), and a member of the POA staff will contact you based on your preferences. So if you are ill, live alone, or are recovering from an illness; we can help make sure that we stay N-Touch with you. You can enroll in the N-Touch program on an ongoing basis or just for a limited time. If you opt-in …

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N-Touch Outreach Program

Within Shipyard we have a program called N-Touch. N-Touch is a program designed to ensure that there is a constant circle of caring here in Shipyard. All you have to do is submit a form (located online or at the Welcome Center), and a member of the POA staff will contact you based on your preferences. So if you are ill, live alone, or are recovering from an illness; we can help make sure that we stay N-Touch with you. You can enroll in the N-Touch program on an ongoing basis or just for a limited time. If you opt-in …

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Playing for Ukraine

I’m not sure where people stand on what is happening in the world, BUT there was a very touching article in the Hilton Head Monthly that shows the support and kindness Hilton Head Residents, and humans have in general. The article can be found here: https://www.hiltonheadmonthly.com/people/7522-playing-for-ukraine

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N-Touch Outreach Program

Within Shipyard we have a program called N-Touch. N-Touch is a program designed to ensure that there is a constant circle of caring here in Shipyard. All you have to do is submit a form (located online or at the Welcome Center), and a member of the POA staff will contact you based on your preferences. So if you are ill, live alone, or are recovering from an illness; we can help make sure that we stay N-Touch with you. You can enroll in the N-Touch program on an ongoing basis or just for a limited time. If you opt-in …

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